Feedback Form

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In view of the future events, your comments on the CHIST-ERA Conference 2014 would be highly appreciated. The following web form takes only a few minutes to fill in.

About you
For example, scientific programme, networking, potential applicant to the Call 2014...
Programme, Format, Organisation
Provide here comments on the scientific programme (keynote talks & posters), e.g.: thought-provoking and stimulating?, scientific level?, cutting-edge research?; and comments on the brainstorming session: appropriate to identify research priorities?, ...
Provide here comments on the format of the conference, e.g.: appropriate length of talks?, appropriate balance between talks and posters?, enough free time for informal discussions?; were research priorities successfully identified in the brainstorming session?
Provide here comments on the organisation of the conference, e.g.: reliability of the website and registration system?, efficiency of organisation support?, pleasantness of the overall atmosphere?